Lawyer speaks about leaflets slandering him: I’m avenged for defending UOC

On August 16, 2022, lawyer Aleksander Krasovitsky said that unknown persons have been distributing leaflets that defame his honour and reputation and suggested that this is done out of revenge by supporters of the OCU because he successfully defends the rights of believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and does not allow the schismatics to seize churches by exposing their illegal practices. Krasovitsky spoke about this on the Telegram channel "1Kozak TV".

According to the lawyer, on 15 August 2022, he found a leaflet on a notice board near his entrance door with his photo and accusations that he had allegedly been expelled from the National Police of Ukraine for violating his oath, and now he is trying to reinstate himself and also receive compensation from the budget. The text also suggests asking Alexander when where his conscience is. The same leaflets have been put in neighbours' mailboxes.

"This is a pure fake," Aleksander Krasovitsky commented on the content of the leaflet but found it necessary to explain the situation.

He said that he decided to become a lawyer and resigned from the position of an investigator at his own request. In his new job, Aleksander Krasovitsky successfully defends the rights of UOC believers, from whom the schismatics from the OCU take away churches. "I am now defending about 15 parishes of the UOC across Ukraine," he said.

"When a religious organization in the country, the OCU, illegally raids the premises of the UOC churches and tries to legalize it through state registrars, then we block it, expose it, open criminal cases, initiate requests for investigations and examinations to show that it is not only illegal in the field of civil law relations, but there are signs of crime here. In addition, we sue them in courts, annul their illegal meetings, i.e. we do not let them plunder," the lawyer stressed.

"How many of their illegal decisions have I overturned, no one has... I am proud that I try my best, help people and win in court. We are against those scoundrels who start robbing and stealing other people's things in times of war," he added.

In Myronivka, where the lawyer lives, he said, "there are adequate authorities who understand that the Constitution exists for the purpose of its implementation. However, the appearance of leaflets against him indicates that “the OCU members will soon start muddying the waters", and before that " the elimination of informationally objectionable people is underway”.

"I don't care at all about these leaflets. It's like shitting under the door and running away," said Alexander Krasovitsky.

We remind you that Alexander Krasovitsky spoke about criminal liability for organizing transfers to the OCU.

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