Primate of UOC: We ask the Mother of God to protect our land from war

The Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry in a homily, which he delivered at the Divine Liturgy in the Pochaiv Lavra, called to appeal to the Mother of God in difficult moments in life, reports the UOC Informational and Educational Department

"Each human soul is a home for the Holy Spirit – it is a holy city of the Most High God. Very often our soul is surrounded by crafty demons, evil people disturb us and make us do things we should not do, passions rise up against us. And in such difficult times, when a person feels tightness in his soul and he has no one to turn to, from whom to get help, we must remember that there is the Holy Virgin Mary. When people pray sincerely to the Mother of God, She always comes to the rescue and protects people from all evil, from visible and invisible enemies," said the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

"Today, dear brothers and sisters, we ask the Mother of God in front of Her Pochaiv Icon to protect our land from war, from the bloodshed in our land, to keep us from every enemy, so no one would encroach on our people, on our land, that we may live in spiritual freedom, glorifying God with our lives, our lips, our souls, our minds, so that the blessing of God may be upon us and help us, strengthen us on the path of our earthly journey," His Beatitude added.

Metropolitan Onuphry noted that during the course of life one passes many examinations in order to get to eternity, and wished that the Mother of God would help each Christian in this.

"We should not lose our humanity, our love towards God and neighbour in these trials, sorrows, tightness. If we try to keep it in ourselves, God's blessing will strengthen us and we will safely go through everything, no matter what happens on our way, and achieve that eternal life for which God created us, which awaits us in Heaven in Christ Jesus, Our Lord,” the Primate of the UOC concluded his archpastoral instruction.

As reported, on 4 and 5 August, Metropolitan Onuphry led the celebrations to commemorate the Pochaiv Icon of the Mother of God.  


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