Dumenko to pray in Greece with heads of Phanar and Greek Church

On August 4, 2022, at a press conference held in the hall of official events of the Metropolis of Philippi, Neapolis and Thassos of the Greek Orthodox Church, the upcoming visit of Patriarch Bartholomew, Archbishop Ieronymos and Epifaniy Dumenko was announced, reports the website of the Metropolis.

Metropolitan Stephen, head of the Metropolis of Philippi, Naples and Thassos, said that this "pilgrimage visit" will take place from September 3 to 6, 2022, on the occasion of the first official celebration of the Thassos saints, and will include "church and cultural events in Thassos, Chrysopolis and Kavala".

The invitation to the head of the Phanar and Sergei Dumenko on behalf of Metropolitan Stephen was made through the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece in early February 2022.

Patriarch Bartholomew has already given his consent to the visit, while Dumenko is "awaiting a written response" from the Metropolis of Philippi.

An invitation will also be sent to Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou "to honour with her high presence these important and historic events", and bishops from other regions of Greece will also be invited to the metropolis.

From the Programme published on the website of the Metropolis of Philippi, it is known that Dumenko and Patriarch Bartholomew will become honorary citizens of the municipalities of Thassos and Nestos. In addition, the Phanar head will become an honorary doctor of the Faculty of Forestry of the International Greek University.

During the entire "pilgrimage", Patriarch Bartholomew, Archbishop Ieronymos and Epifaniy Dumenko will serve a joint liturgy.

The Metropolis of Philippi, Naples and Thassos belongs to the so-called "New Territories", that is, it is in double subordination to both the Phanar and the Greek Church.

As earlier reported, Dumenko was outraged by the criminal cases against the organizers of the "transfers" from the UOC.

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