UOC Chancellor: Striving for holiness – a feature of our national character

On the day of his heavenly patron, Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil and Brovary, the UOC Chancellor, delivered a sermon to numerous pilgrims of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and told them about the national worldview, which was formed due to St. Anthony of the Caves, reports the UOC Information Centre.

As Metropolitan Anthony noted, his heavenly patron laid the foundation of the national worldview in our land. 

"The faith has gathered us in this holy place to glorify the memory of the saint and God-bearing Father Anthony of the Caves. The founder of this holy monastery and the founder of all Russian monasticism. Thanks to St. Anthony and his associates that for centuries this visual architectural beauty, to which people from all over the world aspire, has been created. Most importantly, however, it was thanks to St. Anthony and those who shared his convictions that our national worldview was created over the centuries, where the primary goal was not some secondary aspiration but the desire to be with Christ. Striving for holiness became the main feature of our national character," said the UOC Chancellor. 

The metropolitan urged everyone to pray to St. Anthony "so that he would give strength, faith, courage to walk this earth, but not to remain on it, to reach eternity in the Kingdom of Christ”.

As reported, His Beatitude led a liturgy to celebrate St. Anthony of the Caves at the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

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