UOC clerics and volunteers feed 200 refugees at Odessa railway station

With the blessing of Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Izmail, the clergy, Orthodox youth and volunteers of the UOC Eparchy of Odessa organized a meal for refugees and displaced persons arriving at the railway station, reports the Information Department of the eparchy.

Every day, priests and young people prepare tea and bring pastries to the railway station for fellow citizens who were forced to leave their homes and ended up in Odessa.

Several days a week, representatives of the Odessa Eparchy treat those arriving to a set meal, including hot first and second courses prepared by parishioners.

"There are different days: sometimes there are few people, sometimes there are queues and up to 200 people pass through our volunteers," said the press service.

The organisers noted that they try to give everyone attention and not only feed but also support them, make them feel that people are not abandoned, and inspire them to move on and plan their lives.

As reported, in Odessa, Orthodox doctors advise the sick and give out medication.

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