Hungarian authorities: Christianity should be the basis of EU integration

On July 19, 2022, the Hungarian Parliament passed a resolution addressed to the EU in which it proposed to amend the European Union documents to codify the concept of "Christian roots and culture" as the basis of European integration, reports “The Associated Press”.

“European democracy must be led out of the dead end into which the European Parliament has steered it,” the resolution reads. “The European Union must change because it is unprepared for the challenges of our times.”

Hungary also proposes reducing the European Parliament's legislative powers and expanding those of EU member states. In particular, the resolution proposed giving national parliaments the ability to veto any legislation proposed at the EU level, thereby reducing the lawmaking power of the European Parliament. In addition, the resolution says that the objective of integrating members more fully in European ways should be deleted from EU treaties. It also calls for a ban on the EU from taking on any further debt.

As reported, in May 2022, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in his inauguration speech that Christianity and national politics are not the past but the future of Europe.

As the UOJ wrote, Hungary has banned LGBT propaganda among minors, prompting the European Commission to sue the country in the European Court of Justice.

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