Cherkasy Eparchy sues official who disrupted worship service

A pre-trial investigation has been initiated into the actions of Anatoliy Kulia, the head of the Shramkivka united territorial community (UTC), under Articles 161 (Part 2), 180 (Part 1) and 364 (Part 1) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine after the official and his group prevented the consecration of the UOC church in the village of Kononivka in the Cherkasy Eparchy, reports the press service of the eparchy.

The official faces punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of two to five years with a prohibition to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years.

In addition, an internal investigation into the actions of Major O.N. Koshevyi of the Drabiv District Police Department has started. He is charged with Article 367 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "official negligence". Instead of preventing violations of the law and protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, the representative of the law-enforcement agencies supported the illegal actions of the head of the district police department.

On July 2, 2022, the head of the Shramkivka community with a group of supporters disrupted the great consecration of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker built by its rector, Fr Ihor Basiuk, and the religious community of the church.

As reported, Hostomel authorities handed over the Protection Church of the UOC to the OCU.

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