Phanar cleric urges OCU to punish 'priests' involved in seizures

Each of the raider seizures of UOC temples with the use of force and aggression coming from clerics should be followed by a "dignified response" from the OCU leadership. Archimandrite Alexy (Milyutin) of the Constantinople Patriarchate, the rector of the St. Nicholas Church in Paris, wrote this on his Facebook page.

According to the Phanar cleric, the perpetrators should be held accountable according to the canonical norms of church law.

Also, Archimandrite Alexy is convinced that the OCU and the UOC claim spiritual leadership among the Orthodox population of the country while remaining the leaders of two opposing church currents.

According to the cleric from Paris, the Council in Feofaniya made dialogue between the UOC and the OCU impossible because its decisions require "open self-discrediting and actual autodestruction”.

We remind you that the Council of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church held on 27 May 2022 named the terms of the dialogue with the OCU.

As reported, according to Metropolitan Clement (Vecheria), the dialogue with the OCU is that UOC priests suffer beatings and humiliation from "fellow priests" from Dumenko's structure.

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