ROC rep comments on Britain's sanctions against Patriarch Kirill

The imposition of sanctions on Patriarch Kirill by Britain is an absurd and counterproductive measure that contributes to the breakdown of communication between the European community and Russia, which is already seriously affected. Vladimir Legoyda, Chairman of the Synodal Department for Relations with Society and the Media of the Moscow Patriarchate, wrote this on his Telegram channel.

"Attempts to intimidate the Primate of the Russian Church or force him to abandon his views are meaningless, absurd and futile. The Patriarch's family went through years of godless persecution, he himself grew up and was formed in conditions of enormous pressure on the faith, which he has always honourably withstood," said Legoida.

He also added that today the Church is the last bridge, a means of communication, which they are trying to destroy.

"This can only be needed by those political forces who have made the escalation of the conflict and a step away from peace their important goal," the acting head of the press service of the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church said.

As reported, on 16 June the UK announced the imposition of sanctions against Patriarch Kirill.

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