Patriarch Kirill comments on the situation in the UOC

On May 29, 2022, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, after the Liturgy at the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, commented for the first time on the results of the UOC Council, which was held on May 27, 2022, in Feofaniya, reports the “Soyuz” TV channel.

"We fully understand how the UOC is suffering today. We understand that His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry and the episcopate must act as wisely as possible today not to complicate the life of their faithful people," said the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Patriarch Kirill said that he prays so that "no temporary external walls of partition will ever destroy spiritual unity of our people and that those spiritual values, which our pious people have formed under the auspices of the single Russian Orthodox Church, rooted in the hearts and souls of people, today bear fruit by standing for the unity of the Church and for God's truth".

"Today we cannot but grieve over what is happening in brotherly Ukraine. Undoubtedly, the same spirits of evil under heaven have turned against our Church, seeking not only to divide the Orthodox people of Russia and Ukraine but to make an abyss between us. I am deeply convinced that because all these efforts are not from God and not with God's blessing, the true goal will never be achieved," said Patriarch Kirill.

"The Church of the one nation that came out of the Baptismal font of Kiev, as well as the nation itself, will undoubtedly keep in its heart, in its memory, in its pious customs this great heritage of its ancestors, going from Prince Vladimir to this day," added the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church.

As previously reported, His Beatitude commemorated the head of the Russian Orthodox Church at the Liturgy, among other Primates.

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