UOC cleric: 100 years ago, we were "German spies", now we are “Russian”

Archpriest Michael Varakhoba, head of the Legal Department of the Khmelnytskyi Eparchy, speaking of the persecution of UOC priests by the authorities and supporters of the OCU, compared it to the persecution of the Church in the 1920s. He said this in a conversation with human rights activist Victoria Kokhanovska.

"Everything that is happening today reminds me of the events of a century ago, when the Bolsheviks accused our priests of being German agents and shot them," Father Michael said.

The priest also noted that Orthodox believers are not used to solving problems through aggression and quarrels.

"We have been teaching our flock to respond with good to evil for two thousand years. And when they come to beat our priests, our old women fall to their knees and begin to pray for the villains," the priest said.

As reported, the UOC priest said that everyone involved in the persecution of the Church will have to answer for it.

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