US Supreme Court votes to overturn abortion rights

US Supreme Court justices have concluded that the 1973 federal-wide law legalising abortion was flawed and should be overturned, reports Politico.

In 1973, a federal-wide law was passed in the US allowing abortions nationwide if the pregnancy was less than 28 weeks. Prior to that case, the legality of abortion was decided at the state level: abortion was banned in 30 states, permitted under certain conditions in 16, and fully permitted in four.

If the law is repealed, the federal constitutional protection of the abortion rights will also be overruled, and the decision to allow, restrict or prohibit abortion will again be decided at the state level. Already now, some states, such as Missouri and Texas, intend to ban abortion.

The Supreme Court's decision will take effect after publication. This will take place within the next two months.

The information about the possible repeal of the federal abortion legalization law came as a result of a leak from the Supreme Court. Politico believes the leaks were orchestrated deliberately to escalate the public debate. Judges began receiving threats, security at the Supreme Court building was beefed up and protests broke out across the country.

As reported, a bill was introduced in the United States to allow the killing of newborn babies.

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