Favor Foundation and Miriane Union launch an All-Ukrainian Refugee Program

The Favor Charitable Foundation and the Miriane Union, together with the Department for Social Service of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, have launched the all-Ukrainian Love Wins program to provide direct assistance to refugees, internally displaced persons and all those affected by hostilities, the Favor Charitable Foundation reports on its website.

With the blessing of the Primate of the UOC, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv and All Ukraine, people, who have lost their homes and jobs due to warfare, are now being supplied with foods and medicines. Within the framework of the program, any person in Ukraine, regardless of citizenship and religion, can take part in the mission as a volunteer or receive assistance according to their needs.

According to the Foundation, by the end of March 2022, more than 6.5 million people had become internally displaced, fleeing their homes to other regions of Ukraine less affected by the fighting. “Millions of people have lost not only their homes and normal routine, but also their source of income. Most of them do not have savings, and even if they do, their savings keep melting every day. They do need help,” Favor noted.

As part of the charitable mission of the UOC, hot meals are organized at the churches and monasteries of the Church, the distribution of weekly food packages for immigrants, and the supply of medication in the form of monthly kits containing the most necessary medicines. “Based on the Favor Foundation’s expertise in assisting residents of the Donbas frontline areas, we calculated the average cost of one hot lunch and came up with a model of a weekly food basket for one person,” the foundation said.

According to the organization's calculations, the cost of a hot lunch is $2 per person, a weekly food package is $30, and a monthly medical kit is $15.

Volunteers of the Miriane Union, priests and parishioners of the UOC in their regions will be drawing up rosters of those in need and their needs, while the Favor Foundation will be raising donations for the purchase of food and medicine. Reports on the work of the mission will be posted on the BF website.

You can help Ukrainians affected by hostilities by publishing your stories on social networks about the needs of refugees in your settlements and by making donations. “But above all, we call on all Christians and people of good will across the world who want to help the civilian population of Ukraine. We count on your support! It is highly necessary,” noted the organization.

Donations can be made through the details of the Favor Charitable Foundation on the organization's website at the link https://www.bf-favor.org/requisites/

As the UOJ reported, the Favor Foundation and the Miriane are starting to raise funds for the victims of the war.

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