Verkhovna Rada publishes text of bill to ban UOC

The Verkhovna Rada has published a bill to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

According to the draft Law of Ukraine No. 7204 of March 22, 2022 “On Banning the Moscow Patriarchate on the Territory of Ukraine”, published on the VR website, its author is Oksana Savchuk, a deputy who entered the Rada on the lists of the All-Ukrainian Association “Svoboda” party in district No. 83 (Ivano-Frankivsk).

The bill provides for a ban on the territory of Ukraine of the Moscow Patriarchate – the Russian Orthodox Church and religious organizations that are part of it, "including the Ukrainian Orthodox Church".

“All church property of the higher bodies of church authority and administration of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine and religious organizations that are part of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine, including the Kyiv Metropolis of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, synodal institutions, eparchial administrations, within 48 hours from the date of entry into force of this law is inventoried and nationalized in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine,” the document says.

Article 2 provides that religious communities, monasteries and theological educational institutions of the Moscow Patriarchate may change their subordination within 14 days from the day this law comes into force in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations", which will allow them to keep all their property.

Article 4 states that the Holy Dormition Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, the Holy Dormition Pochaiv Lavra, the Holy Dormition Sviatogorsk Lavra and other architectural monuments of national importance owned or used by the Moscow Patriarchate become state-owned, and transactions (decisions) on their use are cancelled.

Article 5 states that when changing the subordination of religious communities, monasteries and theological educational institutions of the Moscow Patriarchate, Ukraine checks information on anti-Ukrainian or any anti-state activities or collaboration with the Russian aggressor and, if this information is confirmed, brings the perpetrators to criminal liability in accordance with the current legislation.

As reported, another bill to ban the UOC was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada.

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