Metropolitan Luke: Despite shelling and slander, UOC is with its people

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church is one with the Ukrainian people, despite the shelling of churches, the ongoing seizures of churches, streams of lies and hatred towards the Church by people poisoned by satanic propaganda, wrote Metropolitan Luke of Zaporizhzhia and Melitopol on his Telegram channel.

He believes that it is difficult for the enemies of the Church to understand why this is happening, but for the Orthodox, everything is very clear, as the churches of the UOC are filled with Ukrainian parishioners. "Their sorrows, troubles, hardships are our sorrows. Their joys are our joys. The true Church of Christ is the native mother of its people," wrote Vladyka Luke.

The UOC bishop believes that the task of the clergy is to be with those people whom we have baptized, married, for whom we pray, who come to us for confession, who receive the body and blood of Christ, without asking their political views. "We are one with our Ukrainian people and will always be so, despite anything!" concluded Metropolitan Luke.

As reported, the rector of the UOC church was beaten and kidnapped in the Zhytomyr Eparchy.

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