Orthodox journalist Yan Taksiur faints in remand facility

The health of Orthodox journalist Yan Taksiur, who has been in a pre-trial detention center in Kyiv since March 10, has deteriorated sharply. This was reported to the UOJ correspondent by Taksiur’s daughter Maria Trafandilova.

“I ask for prayers for my father with cancer, who is in a pre-trial detention center without trial or investigation. Today he lost consciousness from pain. However, the doctor said he would not be sent to any hospital. There is a complete feeling that they are trying to prevent a person from living up to the court trial. As far as I know, the hierarchy is trying to help, the process is going on but slowly. In addition, there are obstacles. Meanwhile my dad is getting worse,” said Maria.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that Yan Taksiur, journalist, publicist and host of the First Cossack channel, who was detained on March 10, is locked in a pre-trial detention center without the possibility to receive legal protection and medical assistance.

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