Priest of UOC to OCU: Do not weaken Ukraine

In his video message, Archpriest Vitaly Durov, the head of the humanitarian center of the Chernivtsi-Bukovina Eparchy of the UOC, urged the OCU not to incite enmity and not to weaken Ukraine.

“From the first days of the war, trouble united all Ukrainians among themselves. In the early days, OCU priests would zealously come to help us unload humanitarian cargo, the amount of which is growing bigger and bigger. But then those priests suddenly disappeared, and from the third day of the war, instead of help, they got busy publishing daily curses on Viber and Facebook in relation to our Church, to our believers, to all those who, day and night, help Ukraine survive in the war,” the priest said. 

He noted that hate-mongering publications and comments on social networks do nothing to end the war, which is the main goal today.

“Perhaps the leadership of the OCU does not allow you, its priests and parishioners, to help us, compelling you to post round-the-clock fakes and curses. But I'm appealing to you now: you are free people, not slaves of politics, you yourselves can make a choice – either help Ukrainian soldiers, military hospitals, thousands of hungry migrants to end the war, or sit on the couch and post garbage, inciting enmity and weakening Ukraine,” Fr. Vitaly stressed.

The head of the humanitarian center of the Chernivtsi-Bukovyna diocese called on everyone to help in the work.

“It is easy to share good deeds. We do not ask anyone to whom we send help, what faith or nationality they are; every destitute man is our neighbor,” concluded Archpriest Vitaly Durov.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the Chernivtsi-Bukovyna Eparchy of the UOC sent aid from the Romanian Church to Kyiv, Dnipro, Konotop, Chernihiv, Poltava, Kharkiv and western regions.

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