UOC Chancellor: Church’s voice is a cry of multi-million people of Ukraine

In his video address, Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil and Brovary, the UOC Chancellor, said that the Church does not stand aside from the terrible trials that befell Ukraine.

"Our Church is not silent. Her voice is the cry of the many millions of suffering people of Ukraine. All bishops, thousands of our priests and monks, millions of our parishioners are united today in prayer, charity and heroic deeds to save our Motherland," said Metropolitan Anthony.

The UOC Chancellor noted that these days the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, together with state and city administrations, makes every effort to make a humanitarian corridor to the city of Mariupol to deliver basic necessities, emergency medical care and ensure the exit of the civilian population.

Metropolitan Anthony expressed his special words of support to Metropolitan Arseniy and the brethren of the Sviatogorsk Lavra, which over the past years has been home to hundreds, if not thousands, of refugees.

"On the night of the Feast of Orthodoxy, the Lavra suffered from an airstrike. Dear Vladyka, we are all praying for you and for the people you are protecting," said the UOC Chancellor.

Vladyka urged the faithful to preserve our unity in Christ and in brotherly love.

"The war will pass, but only the Orthodox faith, our faithfulness to it and to the canonical church system can heal the soul wounds of our people. So it has been and so it will be," said Metropolitan Anthony.

The Metropolitan also appealed to the authorities to maintain religious peace during wartime so that there would be no pressure on church communities and to take action against those who sow discord and chaos, noting that an internal "witch hunt" could lead to grave consequences and more grief for the Ukrainian people.

"In Holy Baptism we have chosen the way to Christ, the way to the great love and truth of God. On this path, the Lord shares with us all our troubles and sorrows. Our God is now with the sheltered women and children. Our God is also with those who are on the battlefield, doing their military duty sacrificially, defending their Motherland. Christ is also with those who bake bread almost around the clock, deliver food and medicines, take refugees out under shelling, give shelter, feed the hungry, comfort the weeping," says the UOC Chancellor.

"Today, when the forces of evil want to deprive us of our human dignity, deprive us of the Image of God, fetter our hearts with the chains of fear, we have only one hope. If we remain faithful to God, He will give us everything we need for victory. Christ is our most reliable Helper and Defender, salvation is in Him alone," with these words Metropolitan Anthony concluded his sermon.

Earlier, the UOC Chancellor said the bitterest thing now is that war mercilessly cripples not only the body but also the soul.

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