UOC priests of Kharkiv deliver food and support people in shelters

In Kharkiv, with the blessing of Metropolitan Onufriy of Kharkiv and Bogoduhiv, the Holy Protection monastery bought complex lunches for more than three hundred patients of the Kharkiv Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital No 3, as the Kharkiv eparchy press service reported on its Facebook page. The Protection Monastery of Kharkiv bakes bread that pupils of the theological school and volunteers distribute free of charge to the needy.

In Saltivka, students of the Kharkiv Theological Seminary brought food and essentials to Kharkiv citizens forced to sit in bomb shelters. In other areas of the city, the clergy of UOC churches take care of families with children who are in shelters and provide them with food and essentials as well as support them spiritually. The rector of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, priest Dmitry Tarasov, held a prayer service in the basement of a school where Kharkiv residents are sheltering from shelling.

The clergy of Kharkiv's Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God collected food, hygiene products and clothing items and donated them to a boarding school for patients with disabilities.

As reported, priests in Kharkiv hold services at parishioners' homes.

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