Primate of UOC: War is a test of love for God and neighbour

On the Feast of Orthodoxy, after the Divine Liturgy, the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry, addressed the faithful with a sermon, in which he called to support one another in this difficult time.

“The Orthodox faith teaches a person to live rightly on earth. Today is a very difficult test for the country and the people. God is testing our faith. We are also to blame for this. We are sinful people, and sins do not bring good to a person. They are sweet in taste, but bitter in consequences. And now we are tasting the consequences of our sins,” His Beatitude Vladyka said.

“But this is an exam, this is a test that the Lord gave us to show our love for God and our neighbour. These are the most important fruits that faith fosters in a person. In this difficult time, we must give a hand of love, support one another. Who does not have a shelter – help to find it, who does not have bread – give it, if there is an opportunity, if there is no way to help – just warm him with a kind word,” urged Metropolitan Onuphry.

The Primate of the UOC noted that all problems that arise between people should be solved not with weapons, not by force, but with words.

“After all, we are people, intelligent creations of God, God gave us mind, gave us the word, and it has great power. With these gifts – the reason and the word – we must solve all our problems. God created us on earth not to attack or kill each other but to live in love. And if we do not have this love but want to achieve it, we should not do it with weapons but with words. We, again and again, call on everyone on whom it depends to ensure that the problems that exist are solved with the help of a reasonable word,” the Metropolitan said.

“May the Lord save us and in this difficult time cover us with His Divine grace and the power that no one can defeat. This is the power of love. Let it be between us and above us, and then we will pass all the trials that we have and be worthy of that bright and beautiful life that the Lord prepared in Heaven for those who love Him, in the Kingdom of Heaven, in Christ Jesus, our Lord, “ with these words His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry concluded his sermon.

On the Triumph of Orthodoxy, the Primate of the UOC led the Liturgy at the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

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