UOC Primate: We ask to save all people caught in the line of fire

On 10 March 2022, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church released a statement in which it called on all those concerned to provide real humanitarian corridors to rescue people caught in the line of fire, to organize the extradition of the wounded and conduct an exchange of prisoners of war. The statement, signed by His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv and All Ukraine, was published by the UOC Information and Education Department.

The UOJ presents the full text of the statement.

“The Ukrainian Orthodox Church is the Church of the Ukrainian people. It unites believers in the East and West, North and South of our country. It consists of people of different nationalities and different political beliefs. But we are all one in Christ. Throughout its 1000 year history, our Church has always been and remains with its people.

Today, our country is going through a time of difficult trials caused by the attack on our country by the troops of the Russian Federation. In all the temples and monasteries of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, fervent prayers for the earliest possible onset of peace and an end to bloodshed do not stop. We consistently call for the peaceful resolution of conflicts through dialogue. War is the most terrible sin that exists in this world. It makes one look at another person not as an image of God but as an enemy to be destroyed. Therefore, there is no excuse for those who start wars.

Most regrettably, during these few days a large number of civilians have died, among them – the elderly, women and children; humanitarian infrastructure – hospitals, maternity homes, schools, orphanages – has been destroyed; and the survivors are forced to leave their homes and even the country to save their lives, becoming refugees and migrants.

In this regard, to prevent even greater victims and suffering of our people, we appeal to all those concerned to provide real humanitarian corridors for the urgent evacuation of civilians from settlements located in the line of fire and guarantee their safety.

Due to the hostilities, some Ukrainian servicemen, while fulfilling their oath and duty to defend the Homeland, have been, unfortunately, wounded or taken prisoner. Therefore, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, caring for its fellow citizens, asks to show human compassion and Christian mercy, to organize the extradition of the wounded and carry out the exchange of prisoners of war.

We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of His Most Pure Mother, will save our country and its God-loving people and grant us the long-awaited peace.”

Earlier, the Primate of the UOC emphasized that the war between brotherly peoples has no justification.

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