Romanian Church’s humanitarian aid arrives in Kharkiv & Zhytomyr eparchies

Trucks with humanitarian aid from the clerics and faithful of the Romanian Orthodox Church have arrived in Kharkiv and Zhytomyr eparchies of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The Kharkiv Eparchy of the UOC and Metropolitan Nikodim of Zhytomyr and Novohrad-Volynsky reported about it on their Facebook pages.

Humanitarian aid weighing 15 tons arrived in Zhytomyr. "This is warm clothes, food, hygiene products, medicines. All these things will be given to those people who found themselves in a difficult situation", - the UOC hierarch wrote.

Also, the Kharkiv Eparchy of the UOC received a charitable cargo from the Romanian Church. It is noted that the aid arrived in the city with the assistance of Metropolitan Meletiy of Chernivtsi and Bukovyna.

As reported, the Romanian Church delivered humanitarian aid for refugees in Storozhynets.

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