Met Luke: false denunciations on UOC priests hinder police work

The number of aggressive publications directed against priests and parishioners of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is growing in social networks. In this regard, Metropolitan Luke of Zaporizhzhia appealed for help to the heads of law enforcement agencies and power structures, as well as representatives of the territorial defence of Zaporizhzhia. He wrote about it on his Telegram channel.

The growing number of fake messages directed against UOC churches makes believers and priests fear for their safety and distracts the police and military from their direct duties. "Due to the fact that law enforcement agencies receive anonymous calls with provocative information about our churches, thus distracting law enforcement officers from the really necessary work of protecting Zaporizhzhia, I ask to allocate armed representatives for round-the-clock surveillance of the churches in Zaporizhzhia,” wrote Metropolitan Luke. “The churches will be open 24 hours a day. We will provide food at the place of the guard.”

The faithful should be critical of the news about the UOC and should check it carefully. 

As reported, on 28 February 2022, Uniates seized a UOC church near Ivano-Frankivsk.

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