UOC Сhancellor urges clergy to keep churches open around the clock

Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil and Brovary, the Chancellor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, appealed to the clergy to keep churches open around the clock in order to provide spiritual and material assistance to the maximum number of refugees and victims of hostilities, reports the Synodal Information and Education Department of the UOC.

Metropolitan Anthony said that many churches of the UOC now receive people during shelling, give them a sense of security, and the priesthood provides spiritual assistance. "Therefore, it is the time of opportunity for the Church, for the community, for the priest – to make God's temple a home for as many people as possible, protect them, comfort them, wipe away their tears, encourage them, feed them, shelter and, of course, pray with them," said the UOC Chancellor.

Vladyka Anthony called on the clergy and believers of the UOC to intensify their prayers, as well as help the victims of the war and refugees with deeds.

“Fathers and brethren, I urge you to keep the doors of your churches open! Those who want to wait out the shelling, let them wait, those who are afraid and ask to be allowed to spend the night in the temple, let them spend the night, those who do not have food, we will try to feed them. Maybe someone who has the stock (of food), let them bring it to the church and share it with others. Where we served only on major feasts, we will pray more often, we will now be with people,” said the UOC Chancellor.

As reported, the UOC Chancellor appealed to the believers to pray to the Lord for the granting of peace.

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