Chairman of Rivne Regional Council: There are no armories in UOC temples

In an interview for the ITV media groups channel, Sergey Kondrachuk, Chairman of the Rivne Regional Council, said there is no right information that there are warehouses with weapons in the monasteries and temples of the UOC. “Let's not succumb to provocations and keep our heads cool,” Kondrachuk said in an interview. “The Security Service of Ukraine will not go to the same monasteries and look for those who are not there. I'm telling you frankly."

Kondrachuk said that due to the large number of calls from residents of the region to the service, line 102 is constantly busy, so law enforcement officers cannot provide timely assistance to those who really need it.

“Check the information instead of doing it like ‘my neighbor saw what her second cousin told her by phone.’ If someone sees something somewhere, record it on video or take a photo of it and send it to relevant services,” the chairman of the Rivne Regional Council summed up.

Recall that since the beginning of hostilities, a lot of fake messages have been published on social networks and even in some media, including that weapons are hidden in monasteries and churches of the Rivne-Ostroh diocese of the UOC.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that an official who facilitated forceful seizures of the UOC temples took the post of of the chairman of Rivne Regional Council. In 2019, while heading the Zdolbuniv Regional State Administration, Kondrachuk personally participated in the raider seizures of nine churches and personally broke some of them open with a crowbar.

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