Novinsky: The devil has managed to make people see each other as enemies

Vadim Novinsky, Protodeacon of the UOC and a member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, said that Kyiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Chernihiv and Mariupol have become the scene of heavy clashes, killing dozens and hundreds of people, among them civilians. He wrote about this on his Facebook page.

"As an MP from Mariupol, I get sad information from my district. For two days in the settlement of Sartana near Mariupol, bloody fighting has continued, with six confirmed casualties," Novinsky said.

According to him, what is happening now in Ukraine is a real tragedy not only for the Ukrainian and Russian people but also for the entire Orthodox world.

"The devil has managed to make people bound by the same faith, the same history, the same culture see each other as enemies," the MP added.

He stressed that this war must be stopped immediately.

"I urge the Presidents of Ukraine and the Russian Federation to start peace negotiations – with the thought of the fate of ordinary Ukrainians, Russians, Greeks, Tatars, Jews and representatives of other nations. The fratricidal war must come to an end!"  with these words Vadim Novinsky addressed the leaders of the two countries.

The MP also said that the necessary assistance to the families of those killed in Sartana will be provided in full.

As reported, the UOC Synod urged to stop the bloodshed between the brotherly nations.

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