Metropolitan Theodosy: Phanar needed recognition of OCU to unite with RCC

Patriarch Bartholomew agreed to the recognition of the OCU, because he wants to cut off all opponents of unity with the Catholics among the Orthodox. Metropolitan Theodosy of Cherkasy and Kaniv spoke about this in the program “Right to Faith” on the air of the 1Kozak.

“If we talk about the drift towards the Vatican of that part of the still Orthodox world, which has already taken up the path of schism, though, then it seems obvious to everyone,” says the bishop. “Moreover, the hierarchs, who have been watching this process for a certain time and know many of the nuances of the internal church life, realize that this scheming with the OCU was started quite possibly with the sole purpose of throwing the ‘deadweight’ of the canonical Churches that would not allow Phanar to quickly move closer to the Vatican.”

Metropolitan Theodosy also said he would not be surprised if in 10-15 years we witnessed the communion of Phanar and its satellites with the Catholics, which many Orthodox analysts openly forecast.

Earlier, the UOJ reported on the statement of the pope, who continues walking together along the path to the full communion with Phanar.

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