Priest Fedor Koniukhov to circumnavigate the Earth on a solar-powered ship

Priest and traveler Fedor Koniukhov. Photo:

According to the Expeditionary Headquarters of Fedor Koniukhov, the priest and famous traveler will go on the first ever high-speed round-the-world trip on a solar-powered catamaran in April 2022, reports.

Priest Fedor Koniukhov will circumnavigate the Earth alone as part of the Jules Verne Cup, which will be attended by yachtsmen from all over the world.

“In 2022, we are planning test crossings across two oceans, but even they will be the first ever solo ocean crossing on a solar-powered catamaran,” said Oskar Koniukhov, head of Fedor Konyukhov’s headquarters.

He specified that the crossing of the Atlantic Ocean will take place in April, and the second stage of the journey on a 40-foot solar-powered catamaran across the Pacific Ocean will take place in December.

Construction of a 100-foot solar-powered vessel for the Jules Verne Cup will begin in Russia this year.

“To complete a 27,000-mile round-the-world route in 80 days, the speed of a vessel must be 14 knots. The task is complicated by the fact that the vessel will be solar-powered, and this is an additional load, deceleration,” explained Oleg Belkov, shipbuilder and technical consultant for the project.

As the UOJ reported earlier, Fedor Koniukhov, who turned 70, gave advice on how to overcome despondency.

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