Another US state stands up to protect women from transgender tyranny

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has signed a law that bars trans girls and women from participating in school sports that align with their gender identity, reports the website “Axios”.

South Dakota has joined ten states to implement such a measure. According to the resource “Pan-Ukrainian Council”, this law has come in handy today.

"The issue has never been more painful for all female athletes in the United States, as there are increasing precedents of biological men posing as transgender to steal from women their hard-earned leadership positions in sports," the site writes.

"Axios”, for its part, presents the position of the Biden Administration which finds the bills populist. "These anti-transgender bills are nothing more than bullying disguised as legislation and undermine our nation’s core values. [T]hey put children and their families at risk of bullying and discrimination and, according to one recent study, damage the mental wellbeing of young people who deserve love and support," states White House Assistant Press Secretary Kevin Munoz.

Conservatives have argued that biological differences make it unfair for cisgender women and girls to compete against trans athletes who were assigned male at birth. The bill claims to "protect fairness in women's sports."

The ban allows students and educational institutions to sue any organizational entity — including school districts and activities associations — that causes them to suffer "direct or indirect harm" as a result of violating the law.

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