Greek priest: Churches being closed because Liturgy weakens Satan

On January 31, 2022, Elpidie Vaianakis, a priest of the Greek Orthodox Church, stated that the closure of churches during the coronavirus pandemic serves the purposes of Satan, who is fighting against the Liturgy.

On the Focus FM radio station, Father Elpidie, in the context of a conversation about the coronavirus, said that not only secular people but also church people “trusted psychopaths and murderers of people”.

“And we made these people scientists, people who speak the truth and pushed aside God himself, our Creator. This is what upsets and worries me greatly,” said the priest.

He also noted that Satan has two goals "that are advanced in our time" – to subdue the Church and to subdue and change man.

The priest believes that Satan was "given authority" by the leadership of the Church, and the hierarchs "are not engaged in the service of Christ but in the false conversion of Christians".

“Why are they doing this (closing temples – Ed.)? Because the Holy Mysteries deprive the devil of his powers. When the Sacraments are performed, he (Satan) is bound, he cannot act. Now I understand why he fights so hard to close churches so that people can't come to church and repent. Because the Divine Liturgy is a great power. This is the light that conquers darkness, Satan himself,” said Fr Elpidie.

According to the cleric of the Greek Church, everything that is happening in the world today is dictated by Satan's desire to dominate people's lives.

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