Fanar head: The future of ecumenism – fighting prejudice and discrimination

The ceremony was led by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. Photo:

On January 21, 2022, on the occasion of the “Day of Prayer for the Unity of the Churches”, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople said that the future of ecumenism is in the fight against prejudice, reports.

An ecumenical prayer was held, led by Patriarch Bartholomew in the Holy Trinity church of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, located in the Beyoglu (Pera) district near Taksim Square in Istanbul.

This prayer was shared by representatives of the Armenian, Assyrian, Catholic, Evangelical and other Protestant churches.

The bishopess of one of the non-Orthodox churches also took part in the worship, who was the only one among those present to wear an element of liturgical vestment resembling an epitrachelion.

"Bishopess" (far right) at the prayer with Patriarch Bartholomew. Photo:

After Bible passages were read in turn by all the participants, Patriarch Bartholomew delivered a sermon stating that “the future of the ecumenical movement lies in bringing the ‘light of love’ through the incorporation of new symbols of tolerance and coexistence into our everyday life, which fights against prejudice and discrimination."

According to the head of Phanar, “when we pray here today for the unity of Christianity, let us hopefully move forward along the path towards this common cause, to which we deeply aspire.”

Following "Our Father" prayer, which the participants voiced in their native tongues, Patriarch Bartholomew blessed all the participants in the ceremony.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that, according to the Phanariot hierarch in the United States, Archbishop Elpidophoros, ecumenism is needed by all who call themselves Christians.

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