Ever-growing fear: Dumenko scares Ukrainians with the threat of enslavement

Head of the OCU Epifaniy Dumenko. Photo: pomisna.info

On January 28, 2022, on the day of the 30th anniversary of the state flag of Ukraine, the head of the OCU Epifaniy Dumenko said on his Facebook page that the flag of Ukraine gives hope and confidence amid the imminent threat of enslavement of Ukrainians.

“It’s not without reason that in recent days, during the time of fears and uncertainty, as if with lights of hope, the entire Facebook feed has been painted with blue and yellow flags – not under duress, not for someone’s political campaign or advertising campaign, but because of a sense of solidarity, unity, catholicity that we Ukrainians are capable of when we are facing again the threat of our enslavement. The blue and yellow flag is our national symbol and our strength,” Dumenko wrote.

Recall that the Uniates in Ukraine and abroad, as well as the OCU, joined the hysteria around the “imminent attack of Putin”. Sviatoslav Shevchuk warned that "the enemy is on the doorstep" (this was said in the eighth year of the war!), the bishops of the UGCC in the United States said that the Russian Federation had pulled 100,000 people to the border with Ukraine in recent days, while Sergei Dumenko thanked the United States for the supply of weapons and made a commitment to "defend until the final victory”.

As the UOJ previously reported, Epifaniy joined the "prophets of war" choir in Ukraine.

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