Russian, Antiochian and Serbian hierarchs concelebrate in Argentina

Hierarchs of the three Churches at a conciliar service. Photo:

On January 23, 2022, in the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires, the archpastors of the three Local Orthodox Churches celebrated the Divine Liturgy, the website of the Argentine and South American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church reports.

Metropolitan Santiago of Buenos Aires and All Argentina (Patriarchate of Antioch), Bishop Kirill of Buenos Aires and South Central America (Serbian Patriarchate), Bishop John of Caracas and South America (ROCOR) and Bishop Leonid of Argentina and South America (ROC MP) concelebrated in the house church named after the Holy Right-Believing Prince Alexander Nevsky in Buenos Aires (Argentina).

The bishops were concelebrated by Archpriest Sergey Yurin, Secretary of the Argentine Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, and Priest Alexei Lysenko, rector of the church in honor of St. Job of Pochaev in the city of San Martin. After the dismissal of the liturgy, the glorification of the Epiphany Feast took place, followed by a prayer read to St. Theophan, the hermit of Vysha, read aloud by Bishop Kirill.

Metropolitan Santiago noted the fraternity in Christ among Orthodox bishops who served in Argentina. “We, all Orthodox bishops who serve here in Argentina, in Buenos Aires, feel like brothers in Christ. As you know, fraternal relations between the Moscow, Antioch and Serbian Patriarchates are very old and very deep,” said the hierarch of the Church of Antioch.

Bishop Kirill thanked Bishop Leonid for the invitation to a conciliar fraternal service. “I am always very inspired by the opportunity to celebrate divine services together with brother bishops, priests, and believing people. This is evidence of our unity in Christ. There is one God, the Savior of all mankind – Christ and one Church. United Orthodox Church. This is important to emphasize – our unity in Christ,” said the hierarch of the Serbian Church.

As reported by the UOJ, the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church met with the heads of two Orthodox Churches.

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