LGBT-supporting restaurant refuses to cater on pro-life group

The “Busboys & Poets” restaurant in Washington, DC. Photo: Wikipedia

The restaurant owners in the US capital Washington cancelled a booking for a pro-life event, saying that it "is trampling on the rights of others", reports CNA.

The group, Democrats for Life of America, scheduled the event at the K Street location of Busboys and Poets, a restaurant-bookstore chain, to coincide with the 49th annual March for Life on Jan. 21.

“When our team learned the fundraising nature of the event in question, the decision was made to cancel it and refund all deposits to the event organizer,” a spokeswoman for Busboys and Poets told CNA. The chain “stands firmly on the belief that women have the right to make their own reproductive health decisions,” she said.

The event guidelines the chain lists on its website do not mention restrictions on events due to their nature or content. The views of the venue's owners are no secret: In June 2021, for example, they posted an image in support of LGBT Pride month on their official Facebook page.

Jess Meeth, DFLA’s national communications director said that Americans — regardless of their political party or position on abortion — should pay attention to the cancellation.

“Pro-life Americans should absolutely care about this cancellation, regardless of their political party,” she told CNA. “Abortion is a humans right issue that can’t be confined to one political party. We need bipartisan support and bipartisan efforts from conservatives, liberals, and everyone in between.”

As reported, marches for an abortion ban have been announced in the USA.

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