Film starring UOC priest presented in Vinnytsia

Priest Nazariy Davydovsky on the set of a film about the composer Leontovych. Photo:

The premiere of the film "Mykola Leontovych and his Shchedryk" starring UOC priest Nazariy Davydovsky took place in Vinnytsia, reports the website “Suspilne” (“Public”).

The film came out on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the performance of Leontovych's work "Shchedryk" in the largest concert hall in New York. The role of the composer Mykola Leontovych in the film was played by the priest of the UOC Nazariy Davydovsky.

“A film is a 35-minute documentary. It tells about the life and work of the composer, how the work known worldwide was created,” said Vasyl Mediany, director of the film from Vinnytsia.

The work on the film lasted for three years. It was filmed not only in Ukraine but also abroad, particularly in Canada. The "Solomia" choir conducted by Nazariy Davydovsky, the Vinnytsia Regional Philharmonic Society and the Holy Protection Cathedral Choir in Canada were used to perform Leontovych's works. The film "Mykola Leontovych and His Shchedryk" is planned to be shown in the cinemas of the Vinnytsia region.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Nazariy Davydovsky, a cleric of the Ascension Church of the Vinnytsia Eparchy of the UOC, initiated the global flash mob #Shchedryk100challenge on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the first public performance of Mykola Leontovych’s world-famous adaptation of the folk song “Shchedryk”.

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