Met. Leonid tells of ROC's ambitious development program on the continent

Metropolitan Leonid spoke about the individual plans of the African Exarchate. Photo:

The Russian Orthodox Church does not exclude the possibility of creating new educational institutions in Africa, Patriarchal Exarch of Africa, Metropolitan Leonid of Klin said in an interview with Interfax-Religion.

“Today we are just starting to implement our plans. Undoubtedly, the issue of education is one of the top priorities. We have an understanding of how to approach it. There are excellent theological schools for teaching and training students. However, it is possible that we will create a number of educational institutions on the territory of the African continent, as long as it is necessary and expedient,” said Metropolitan Leonid.

Vladyka Leonid said that the language issue is not a problem for ministry on the African continent.

“There are a sufficient number of universities in Russia that can train specialists with language specialities. In addition, English, French, Swahili, and local dialects are spoken in African countries. Today there is no acute language problem. We communicate in the above languages. There are printed publications, religious literature, the observance of the Divine Liturgy, texts in different languages of the continent necessary for the celebration of divine services,” Vladyka noted.

Earlier it was reported that according to the Exarch of Africa, the Russian Church is not engaged in expansion.

The UOJ also wrote that the Russian Church spoke about the reasons for establishing its Exarchate in Africa.

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