UOC spokesman: Fanariots framed Bulgarian hierarch by commemorating Dumenko

Metropolitan Cyprian in the church of St. Stephen in Istanbul. Photo: video screenshot from facebook.com/ecumenicalpatriarchate page

Archpriest Nikolai Danilevich believes that the Phanariotes "framed" Metropolitan Cyprian of Stara Zagora, having commemorated the name of Epifaniy Dumenko at the liturgy, which was concelberated by the hierarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

The priest noted that this situation “does not need to be dramatized,” since the commemoration of Dumenko in the presence of Metropolitan Cyprian “does not mean that the Bulgarian Church will recognize the OCU”.

“Met. Emmanuel just set up Vladyka Cyprian with this commemoration. A similar thing happened with another Bulgarian bishop – Vladyka Nikolai of Plovdiv, who served somewhere in Greece and during the worship they also remembered the head of the 'OCU'. Not he, but in his presence. It was about 2 years ago,” Father Nikolai said.

He is sure that "with such antics the Phanariots and their supporters simply frame or provoke hierarchs from other Local Churches, who should generally be more careful when dealing with representatives of Phanar."

“I know that the Bulgarian Church distances itself from the recognition of the OCU, and after the latest decisions of the ROC Synod on Africa, it intends even more to stay away from these problems,” the priest emphasized.

At the same time, he says, “the supporters of the OCU are again beginning to exaggerate their 'victory' from this fact of commemoration. It's only part of the same story. For example, recently Ternopil "bishop" Nestor (Pysyk) stood in the church of St. George on the Phanar next to Metropolitan Niphon of Targoviste from the Romanian Church, who came to congratulate Patriarch Bartholomew on the anniversary of his ministry."

Father Nikolai said that "Metropolitan Niphon was visiting that locality, therefore he considered it impolite in relation to Patriarch Bartholomew to leave the church, where there was a schismatic, even if the latter was invited by Phanar."

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the hierarch of Bulgaria concelebrated in the liturgy with Phanariots, where Dumenko was commemorated.

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