"Priest" of OCU: It is not enjoyable to bury you in bad weather

Selfie in front of the cemetery was taken by freezing cold Alexander Dediukhin. Photo: A. Dediukhin's Facebook page

“Priest” of the OCU, deputy of the Poltava City Council from Poroshenko’s “European Solidarity”, winner of an award from Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, Alexander Dediukhin, said on his Facebook page that “it’s not enjoyable to bury you in bad weather.”

“You'd better take care of yourself, because it is not enjoyable to bury you in such weather,” Dedyukhin wrote, attaching his photo against the background of the cemetery.

Colleagues from the OCU expressed solidarity with Dediukhin: “Brother, I'm also going from the cemetery. I agree that to bury in such weather is something!" wrote one of them.

Other commentators note that if "there were at least one crematorium per region," then it would be possible to "warm up".

Some commentators, however, point out the inappropriateness of the statement: "It means you like to bury people when the weather is different?" But they are in the minority among Dediukhin's subscribers.

Earlier, this "priest" of the OCU called for the legalization of prostitution and stated that "if a bitch doesn’t want, a male dog will not jump on it."

The UOJ wrote that in November 2021 Dediukhin called on Ukrainians to a new Maidan.

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