Main invader of UOC temples in Rivne demands to rename RF to "Muscovia"

Zealous fighter with the UOC Sergei Kondrachuk. Photo:

The initiator of the violent seizures of UOC temples, the head of the Rivne Regional Council, Sergei Kondrachuk, demanded to rename the Russian Federation to "Muscovia", reports the official website of the Rivne Regional Council. Kondrachuk initiated an appeal to the President and Parliament, which, in particular, says:

“"The Rivne regional council appeals to the President of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to restore historical justice and at all levels (state, diplomatic, official-business, etc.) to use the historical name – "Muskovia" instead of the name "Russian Federation" and to call the citizens of this country ‘Muscovians’".

41 MPs supported Kondrachuk's initiative. Those who voted are confident that "the restoration of historical justice, the return of its present name to the northern neighbour will significantly affect the socio-political processes in Ukraine, the very development of the Ukrainian state".

On December 21, deputies of the Lviv region made a similar appeal. The text of the document was published on the website of the Lviv Regional Council.

The Lviv deputies also propose to use the name “Muscovia” on the territory of Ukraine instead of Russia and the Russian Federation and call the citizens of the neighbouring country “Muscovites”.

As reported earlier, the Rivne Regional Council is headed by an official who assisted in the seizure of the UOC churches. In 2019, heading the Zdolbuniv Regional State Administration, Kondrachuk personally participated in the seizure of nine churches. Some of them he hacked personally with a crowbar.

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