Believers' appeals to Vinnytsia RSA still remain unanswered

Vinnytsia Regional State Administration. Photo: Wikipedia

The authorities of the Vinnytsia region have not yet responded to the appeals of the laity, transferred after the prayer standing on December 3. Nor have they provided any feedback on the lawyer's inquiries of the Public Union Miriane, according to the Facebook page of the church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in Murovani Kurylivtsi village, Vinnytsia region.

“Probably, civil servants have more important things to do than respond to the appeal of the people, whom, according to the Law of Ukraine 'On Civil Service', 'they must serve according to the principles of legality, honesty and social justice',” the church's page says.

Furthermore, according to the community of the UOC church, the head of the religious organization of the OCU in Snitkiv village, which the head of the Department of Religious Affairs of the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration Igor Saletskiy registered on December 7, turns out not a priest but a local businessman who "has never been to the church either at his place of residence or at his place of work."

“We look forward to and hope that there will come a time in our state when the law will be the same for everyone and the principles of the rule of law will no longer be just nominal,” writes the community of the church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The UOJ spoke in detail about the reason and the course of the prayer standing near the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration.

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