UOC parishioner: why did our churches in Vinnytsia suddenly become “wrong”?

Believers of the UOC at the walls of the Vinnytsia RSA. Photo: UOJ

Parishioners of the temples of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Vinnytsia are determined to go to the end. People do not understand how the authorities can hang labels and commit arbitrariness. This is stated in the plot of the NTN TV channel.

“We are standing for our churches not to be taken away from us,” says a parishioner of the UOC church, “They were taken away from us, and we are not allowed into our churches. They said we are wrong! All the years we served in the church, everything was right, but today we suddenly became “wrong”. I don't understand how this can be!"

People are outraged by the actions of the odious official of the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration Igor Saletsky, his impunity and connivance on the part of the authorities.

On Friday, December 3, believers of the UOC in the Vinnytsia region gathered for a prayer standing under the walls of the Regional State Administration to prevent the criminal re-registration of the UOC communities into the OCU.

As reported, the purpose of the rally was to prevent church raiding in the villages of Bakhtin, Verbovets and Snitkiv, Vinnytsia region. Among the demands is the dismissal of the "black registrar" Igor Saletsky. In 2019, he became a defendant in a criminal case on the illegal re-registration of religious communities in the Vinnytsia Eparchy of the UOC into the OCU.

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