Vinnytsia parishioners сome out to prevent seizure of churches

Vinnytsia Regional State Administration. Photo: Wikipedia

At the moment, there is an attempt to illegally re-register the communities of the UOC in the villages of Bakhtyn, Verbovets and Snitkiv, Vinnytsia region, reports the Facebook page of the parish of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Murovani Kurylivtsi, Vinnytsia region.

The parishioners of the church blame an official of the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration for what is happening.

“His name is Igor Saletsky, he still holds the post of head of the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration for Religious Affairs and has done a lot of misfortune all the time, especially under Poroshenko. He is responsible for a number of abuses, more than 30 communities robbed by raiders, wounds of lawlessness and conflicts due to the paper "transfer to the OCU" of living Orthodox communities," the community's page says.

On Friday, December 3, at 12:00 in Vinnytsia, near the building of the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration (70 Soborna Street), the parishioners of the Vinnytsia region will come out on a peaceful rally, in which all Orthodox residents of Vinnytsia are encouraged to participate.

“We call on all those who are not indifferent to join the religious communities of the villages of Snitkiv and Bakhtyn of the Murovani Kurylivtsi Deanery, which will come out to defend their rights and legality in the Ukrainian state! and demand the dismissal and punishment of the black registrar Saletsky,” the message says.

Recently, OCU activists, with the support of the police, did not allow UOC believers to enter the temple in Bakhtin. In July 2021, there was an attempt to seize the temple in the village of Verbovets.

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