Miriane of Rivne to turn to MPs for support of the bill in defense of UOC

Tatiana Tsaruk, head of the Rivne Miriane representative office. Photo: screenshot of the video of the Miriane YouTube channel

The laity of the Rivne diocese continues to sensitize the MPs of Ukraine on the bill aimed at repealing the anti-church legal norms adopted during the time of Petro Poroshenko.

Bill No 5835 "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Concerning the Activities of Religious Organizations and Ensuring the Constitutional Right of Citizens to Freedom of Worldview and Religion" was prepared by the Miriane.

Believers in the regions appeal to local people's deputies for support for the bill in defense of the UOC and explain its essence.

Given the lockdown requirements, Rivne-based  "Miriane" decided to contact the deputies in writing and announced the collection of signatures.

“The ‘Miriane’ of Rivne have prepared written appeals to the MPs of Ukraine elected in the 152nd, 153rd and 154th constituencies of the Rivne region. We are announcing the beginning of the collection of signatures," said the head of the regional office Tatiana Tsaruk in a video message published on the organization's YouTube channel on Wednesday, December 1, 2021.

The UOJ also wrote that UOC laity called for unity against the ratification of the Istanbul Convention, which does not protect against domestic violence, but threatens traditional family values and the institution of the family as a whole.

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