Political expert: Istanbul Convention сan become Zelensky's LGBT Tomos

Elena Dyachenko. Photo: nash.live

Ukraine's ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (the Istanbul Convention), may become the most memorable decision under President Vladimir Zelensky, as was the case with the Tomos for the OCU under Petro Poroshenko, political expert Elena Dyachenko wrote on her Facebook page.

According to the political scientist, the Convention will not in any way affect the reduction of domestic violence, since its main goal is to legalize hundreds of gender identities and force their study in schools. “In Ukrainian legislation, any violence has long been condemned and criminalized, and this issue does not need additional regulation. On the contrary, the Istanbul Convention in this direction is declarative, helpless and does not change anything, ”said Dyachenko. "But the legalization of three hundred gender self-identifications is very helpful, introducing the concept of gender identity into national legislation and forcing students to study it in school curricula".

The expert notes that Zelensky, supporting the Convention, opposes all denominations and all believers in Ukraine, who have united against its ratification because it destroys the spiritual values of society. “The churches have united against the convention because it destroys an important part of the national identity of any state – the spiritual values of society are being replaced by the so-called human rights in their new liberal interpretation, which for some reason is hardly distinguishable from the propaganda of perversion,” Dyachenko wrote on the social network. “This LGBT Tomos will become the main achievement of Vladimir Zelensky as head of state, people will remember him as a fighter for gay rights.”

As reported, the Office of President is preparing a bill to support the Istanbul Convention in the Rada.

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