A video of a fight between reps of OCU and UOC-KP published online

A “priest” of the UOC-KP (far left) and a “priest” of the OCU (far right). Photo: a screenshot from video pavlovskynews

A video of a fight between representatives of the OCU and the UOC-KP, which took place on November 26, 2021, appeared on the Web. The video was published on the PavlovskyNews Telegram channel.

On November 26, 2021, at 7:00 am, representatives of the OCU, led by "Archpriest" Ivan Dziuba, with the help of two bulldozers, began to dig a trench on the territory of the temple, which is under the jurisdiction of the Kyiv Patriarchate, and at about 14:00 they brought cement to fill the foundation.

Filaret’s followers tried to prevent Dumenko's supporters from starting construction work. However, the clergy and activists of the OCU, using foul language, explained to their former brothers in faith that they would definitely build "their" church on the territory of the UOC-KP.

A "priest" of the UOC-KP started a fight with a supporter of the OCU, who hit him with a shovel. As a result of a short scuffle, the man with a shovel ended up on the ground. Several more people tried to cut down the birch trees growing on the territory.

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