A new church to be built in Postoinoye instead of OCU-seized one

Metropolitan Anatoly consecrated a construction site for a new temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Postoinoye village. Photo: UOJ

In the village of Postoinoye, Kostopil district, Rivne region, Metropolitan Anatoliy of Sarny and Polissya consecrated a site for the construction of a new temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in honor of the apostles Peter and Paul and laid a capsule, the UOJ correspondent reports.

The land for the construction of a new church was purchased by the believers of the Peter and Paul Parish at their own expense, the money raised was used to fill in and build a foundation.

In his address to the faithful, who have suffered many abuses over the two and a half years since the church was seized by the OCU supporters, Metropolitan Anatoliy noted their perseverance in defending the Orthodox faith.

“I am proud of you, because you have found the strength to withstand and endure it, and now you are building a temple in honor of the faith of Prince Vladimir, the faith of your grandfathers and fathers. Let the church be glorified in the name of the Lord and be crowned with the faith of those who remained faithful to their Mother Church,” said Metropolitan Anatoliy.

It will be recalled that the UOC church in the village of Postoinoye was forcefully seized by raiders of the OCU with the support of the authorities at all levels on April 2, 2019. At that time, law enforcement officers provided access to the locks. In the village, the interfaith conflict lasted for a long time, many UOC believers were beaten, and the UOJ wrote about cases of violence.

As previously reported by the UOJ, the religious community in Postoinoye villlage stated that the strife in the village began after the granting of the Tomos.

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