Philanthropist who built dozens of churches of UOC entered to "Mirotvorets"

Lviv radicals from the "Right Sector" are holding an action at the BRSM-Nafta gas station because of Andrey Biba's participation in the construction of churches of the UOC. Photo: Facebook page "Praviy Sektor / Lvivshchyna".

Ukrainian entrepreneur and philanthropist Andrey Biba, who financed the construction of dozens of churches of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the western regions of Ukraine, was entered to the open database of the scandalous site "Mirotvorets" (“Peacemaker”).

The authors of the publication declare that the entrepreneur, who is the founder of the company "BRSM-Nafta", is engaged in "financing anti-Ukrainian political forces", as well as "propaganda activities aimed at destabilizing social and political life". In addition, for his participation in the construction of churches of the UOC, he is called an opponent of "the independence of Ukrainian Orthodoxy from the Russia (aggressor country)-controlled ROC".

Andrey Biba's data on the site "Mirotvorets". Photo: a screenshot from

Earlier, the Lviv "Right Sector" openly threatened to take "radical measures" against the entrepreneur Andrey Biba, a philanthropist, thanks to whom dozens of UOC churches were built in the western regions of Ukraine to replace the seized ones. The radicals voiced their threats and demands at one of the BRSM-Nafta gas stations owned by the entrepreneur. Also, members of the "Right Sector" announced their participation in the seizure of 50 churches, threatened with new actions

against the UOC and said that the time had come for more attacks on the "Church of the Moscow Patriarchate".

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