UOC reports incitement of religious hatred by Ukrainian minister

Yulia Laputina. Photo: news.church.ua

Civil servant, Minister of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine Yulia Laputina incites sectarian strife and hatred by spreading lies about the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the media, reports the UOC Information and Education Department.

In particular, the official, in an interview with the Estonian newspaper ‘Postimees’, accused the UOC of spreading propaganda, without providing any facts in support, but at the same time, her unfounded statements set the public against the largest denomination in Ukraine. Trying to substantiate her assumptions, Laputina said that she had heard about some Orthodox priest who allegedly told his flock that the COVID-19 vaccine was developed by Bill Gates to inject microchips. “Who is this priest, and whether the entire UOC adheres to exactly this position, Yulia Laputina did not consider it necessary to clarify,” the Information and Education Department noted.

At the same time, on the basis of these unconfirmed data, the highly paid civil servant of Ukraine in the media accused the UOC of spreading propaganda in the interests of Russia. "On the basis of this, the minister makes a generalization:" And we see here a comprehensive pattern in propaganda. Anti-NATO, anti-vaccination, anti-EU and anti-liberalization of the visa regime are the issues in which Russia mobilizes a certain part of society,” the UOC Information and Education Department of the UOC reports Laputina's findings.

It is also noted that the minister has already repeatedly disseminated information insulting UOC believers, discussing topics in which she is incompetent.

As reported, an anti-UOC ATO member became the Minister of Veterans Affairs.

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