The Church denies that "bishop" who beat the woman belongs to UOC

Adrian Kulik beats up his neighbor. Photo: screenshot of the ICTV YouTube channel

Adrian Kulik does not belong to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and the information provided in the media does not correspond to reality, according to the Information and Education Department of the UOC.

“On October 31, 2021, in the Emergency News report on the ICTV channel, a story appeared about Adrian Kulik, who attacked his neighbor Ivanna Berezhnaya at the entrance of the house. The video features the man beating her, tugging at her clothes, and then "kicking" her phone into the bushes. In the report, the man was called the bishop of the UOC. This information does not correspond to reality,” the message says.

The Information and Education Department reminded that today Kulik is a "cleric" of the OCU, where he migrated from the UOC-KP, and in fact he does not have a legal episcopal consecration. They also noted that “according to the information from open sources, this is not the first attack by the false bishop on the woman, who lives in the same house where Kulik lives with his wife (?!).”

The UOJ wrote that the "bishop" of the OCU beat a woman in Kyiv, a criminal case was opened. In turn, the "hierarch" said that the footage, where he attacks the woman, was a frame-up, and "as a Christian and a man, he has complete peace of mind and no remorse."

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