OCU "hierarch" about beating neighbour: Complete peace in my Christian soul

Adrian Kulik taking a selfie in the gym. Photo: Kulik's Facebook page

“Bishop” of the OCU, Adrian Kulik, on his Facebook page commented on the story of “Nadzvychayni Novyny” (“Breaking News”) of the ICTV channel, with the footage of him beating his neighbour with his fists.

The "bishop" stated that he did not feel any remorse about his actions, and he "as a Christian and a man has complete peace in his soul". Kulik is convinced that the footage where he is punching the woman with his fists is specially edited, the story is made "in the style of Gebels-Skabeeva-Kiselyov propaganda", and journalists "are making a little crucified girl out of the ‘victim’".

The OCU "hierarch" denies that a criminal case has been opened against him and claims that the comment of the police is fake since in his opinion "the ‘victim’ herself did not write any statements, did not ask for help, only demanded video recordings from surveillance cameras".

Kulik does not consider it necessary to comment on the very fact of the attack on his neighbour and describe its details. “I just want to note that as a bearer of the priestly dignity, I am deeply sad that I was ‘lucky’ to get into such a PLANNED (the author's style is preserved – Ed.) and provoked trouble. I am very sad. However, as a Christian and a man, I have complete peace of mind and no remorse," this is how the" bishop "described his inner state.

However, at the end of the publication, Kulik said that while beating his neighboгr, he "stood up for a small, defenceless woman, my helper and toiler, before the vulgar-mouthed grenadier, who mentally terrorized and threatened her with eviction, reprisals and basements when their brothers come." Kulik did not specify who this "helper and toiler" whom Kulik defended in such an unusual way is.

As evidence of his words, the "hierarch" posted a video without sound, which depicts a dialogue between Ivanna Berezhnaya, beaten by Kulik, and an unknown woman, which, according to Kulik, took place 4–5  minutes before the incident. What the women talked about remains unknown.

As reported, in Kyiv the "bishop" of the OCU Adrian Kulik beat up a neighbour because of a domestic conflict, the police opened a criminal case under Art. 125.

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